On March 3, 2021, the Commonwealth Court in Mandler and Nuclear Imaging Systems, Inc. v. Commw., No. 483 F.R. 2014, overruled taxpayers’ exceptions to the Court’s decision affirming the denial of the taxpayers’ petition for refund of employer withholding taxes paid to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue (the “Department”) in satisfaction of $180,000 in

On November 9, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue issued guidance relating to telecommuting and related tax implications.  If an employee is working from home temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department does not consider that as a change to the sourcing of the employee’s compensation.  For non-residents who were working in Pennsylvania before

The Department of Revenue has announced that the stimulus checks, otherwise known as economic impact payments, being distributed by the Federal government are not subject to Pennsylvania personal income tax. Rather, the payments being distributed as part of the Federal economic stimulus legislation that was signed into law in March in response to the COVID-19