Pennsylvania real estate taxes are usually very large line items on any corporate balance sheet. Accordingly, you should be reviewing your assessed value(s) on an annual basis if you are a Pennsylvania commercial or industrial property owner or a lessee of a commercial or industrial property that pays the property taxes as part of your

On October 16, 2023, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court granted Tower Health’s Petition for Allowance of Appeal related to the Montgomery County hospital property. The Supreme Court is going to address the following two issues on appeal:

  1. Whether the Commonwealth Court erred by holding that Pottstown Hospital, LLC, offered substantial executive compensation based upon the financial

Now that the 2024 tax year August 1 annual assessment appeal filing deadline has passed for 26 counties in Pennsylvania, the appeal deadlines for the remaining 41 counties are as follows:

August 15


August 31


September 1


On February 10, 2023, in a much-anticipated group of Opinions, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court (“Court”) held that four separate Tower Health hospitals (one in Montgomery County and three in Chester County) did not qualify as institutions of purely public charity and thus, the hospitals were not entitled to real property tax exemptions for the 2018

The deadline for filing a real estate tax assessment appeal for the 2023 tax year is fast approaching in Allegheny County.  The deadline is March 31, 2023.  Normally, you would only be able to appeal the assessment for the 2023 tax year, however, because of the shenanigans with Allegheny County manipulating the Common Level Ratio

With historical drops in common level ratios throughout Pennsylvania’s 67 counties from last year to this year, commercial or industrial property owners should be reviewing their assessed values for potential reductions for the 2023 tax year.

The annual assessment appeal deadline of August 1, 2022 for assessed values effective for tax year January 1, 2023

The City’s Office of Property Assessment is planning to post the results of reassessments of all properties in Philadelphia by Monday, May 9, 2022.

The new values of more than 580,000 residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional properties in Philadelphia are to take effect for Tax Year 2023, with property taxes due on March 31, 2023.

Wayne County is currently going through a countywide reassessment whereby the county is going to reassess ever property within its border.  The last time Wayne County performed a countywide reassessment was in 2004.  Wayne County started the countywide reassessment process back in January 2021 and has since held public meetings, mailed out data mailers to